Results Driven Marketing

Grow your business by zeroing in on your target market through a multitude of initiatives and strategies that yield results.

Successful Marketing

Solid content marketing & content strategy is what sets you ahead of your competitors

Pay Per Click

A digital strategy is important to maintain communication with existing customers, and to garner new, but to really see growth, a proper multi-channel paid campaign is essential.


As important as marketing and advertising is to any business, getting your message across, through graphics, media and your website, in a professional matter, is of equal importance.

Social Media

Social media is like a well oiled machine. Keeping up on it is essential to your social presences health while sporadic inconsistent use will cause diminishing returns.


Knowing where your customers are located and other activities they partake is keen to identify potential customers from other sectors and industries.


Email is still one of the most effective and direct forms of marketing. Ensuring a consistent email marketing strategy will yield results with a rate of return over 10x.


Imploring an SEO strategy via utilizing your website and partnering websites is a very effective way of reaching those customers searching for a business like yours.

Promotions Deployed
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Media Assets In Circulation
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Increase in Pageviews
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Years of experience
Our Philosophy

Local Hands On Approach yields the greatest results

It’s more than a full-time job running your business while simultaneously thinking up the next best thing to keep things fresh. The last thing you need is another pair of shoes to fill. At Manufactured By Era, we continue to successful help small businesses grow via our full-service marketing initiatives. We are a small business local to you. This allows us to move quickly and efficiently as apart of the community.

Taking Off

Companies Just Like You Taking Action

The Best approach is manufactured by era

Don’t play hide and seek with people who are searching for you

Let Manufactured By Era market your business so you can focus on the growth.

Call, text or email us. We are excited to unlock results driven marketing for your business.
